Breaking News

"You Survived Where Other Women Died": Masika's Field of Hope

Wow, wow, *deep breath* wow, I watched an incredible documentary today,  Field of Hope , on the English Al Jazeera site about a Congolese r...
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Happy Eid!

It's the end of Ramadan and we hope all our Muslim friends had a good month of fasting and iftar, of tilawat and of charity, and observi...
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Real Talk: Problem I'm Facing RIGHT NOW

Problem: The sun is too effing bright Why is this seemingly non-problem a problem? Because I'm sitting on day bed (fighter of the night...
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Friday Fiction: Optimism Not Despair

The death of Jack Layton this week has shaken me to the core. Like many Canadians, the loss is so tremendous and overwhelming considering th...
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A Change This Way Comes: What Fresh Hell is This?

Rebekah and I have been toying the idea of changing the blog a wee bit and we've decided to go for it. Nothing major except that it effe...
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A Girl and Her Sister

This is me. I'm holding a picture of my sister when she was four and had a buzz cut (or very close to it) to look like our brother. When...
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Good Bye, Jack, Thanks For Everything

Oh wow, sad news this morning: Jack Layton, leader of the Canadian New Democratic Party (the historically third tier lefty party that brough...
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Three Depressing Things in Descending Order

While at the grocery store tonight, Rebekah and I gravitated toward the ice cream cooler (obviously) and stumbled upon what is surely a sign...
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Thanks to every single one of you for making turning 31 so darned fun! Especially to Al, my bestie for life, who always goes out of her way ...
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Happy Birthday to my Number One

It's the 34th anniversary of Elvis' death today, one year from of my and Rebekah's pilgrimage to Graceland, and Rebekah's bi...
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Friday Fiction: Everything is NOT Alright

(Gah, again with the delayed Friday Fiction! I'm sorry! I had two migraines in one week! That's a total of five days out of seven sp...
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Hot Soccer Girl

Hot Soccer Girl Hot Soccer Girl
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The winner of Miss International Hungary 2011 is Nora Viragh - Nora Viragh will represent Hungary in Miss International 2011 in November 2011

Miss International Hungary 2011 BUDAPEST, Hungary - Nóra Virágh was crowned Miss International Hungary 2011 at the Cafe del Rio in Budape...
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Soccer Girl

Soccer Girl Soccer Girl
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Beach Soccer

Beach Soccer Beach Soccer
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