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Some People Are Terrible-

-ly funny! Like this couple who are appeared on the CBC parody radio show, This is That, to talk about petitioning the city to make a by-law slating Liberty Village as a child-free neighbourhood.

The audio file sounds a lot like a Christopher Guest movie; I can see Parker Posey as Tegan and Michael Hitchcock as Matthew, reprising their roles in Best in Show ("WHERE IS BUSY BEE?!").

Best quotes:

"Lawns just littered with, you know, big wheels and bikes."

"I'm in design. It wasn't what we bought into."

"When T and I decide to go for dinner... I say "T let's go, let's have fun, let's relax"."

"Go to Jack Astor's, you know?" "Ugh, thank you!" "They have crayons or peanuts or something like that."

"Like the idling by-law." "Yes, great point, T."

So pitch-perfect, I didn't realize it was a spoof at first (*hangs head in shame*) because I actually know people like this, although maybe not so extreme to not being able to see, from a car, a bike strewn-lawn. Really nails how ridiculous the parent (usually mother)/child vs. the child-free 'war' has gotten. To quote George Costanza, "we live in a society, people!".


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