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31 for 2011

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The number makes sense; I turn 31 next year, and 20 + 11 = 31.  I've been meaning to make a list like this for a long time- maybe I should have put it on a list.  Nevertheless, I'm making my list now, and will do my best to keep you all updated as I make progress on it.  I think I would consider it a success if I check off even half of these...

  1. Find a job I love.
  2. Get an apartment and move back downtown.
  3. Paint a room in that apartment pink.
  4. Apply to schools for next year.
  5. Cook and bake more often.
  6. Set up a crafting space.
  7. Start knitting again.
  8. Sew my own clothes.
  9. Sell my old clothes.
  10. Visit Edinburgh.
  11. Take a yoga class.
  12. Get a dog.
  13. Name it Dorothy Barker.
  14. Call my friends and family every week.
  15. Write them letters, real letters.  And send cards.
  16. Write and draw daily.
  17. Get film for my Polaroid camera and use it.
  18. Get film for my Minolta camera and use it.
  19. Actually get my pictures developed.
  20. Consciously buy handmade, thrifted, and fairtrade items.
  21. Volunteer.
  22. Give a loan through Kiva.
  23. Watch more movies.
  24. Read more books.
  25. Visit a museum or gallery (at least) twice a month.
  26. Learn to drive.
  27. Get my license.
  28. Throw more parties.
  29. Less time on Facebook, more time face to face.
  30. Get a new record player and listen to my records often.
  31. Make more lists and check something off every day.
Oh, my gosh, That's a lot of stuff to do.  I guess I should get started...


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