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One of A Kind

Katie Jung, I'm Outta Here, 101.6 x 152.4 cm jacquard weaving, 2009
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We went to the One of A Kind craft show this past weekend, which is where Katie Jung's woven textiles stopped me dead in my tracks.  I fell in love instantly, and know that one day I will have one of her fantastic jacquard weavings hanging on my wall.  I didn't make the connection at the time, but I should have realized I'd seen her work before, on the cover of issue #7 of Worn.  She's exhibited here in Toronto at Gallery 44, and was also the 2009 recipient of the One of a Kind Award for Excellence in textiles.  Once I got home and did a little research, I realized that I had also seen her unique pieces back in 2008, when she was a finalist for the design*sponge scholarship, as well.  Katie is a graduate of Concordia, with a major in photography and a minor in film (so, you know, a woman after my own heart!), and she incorporates elements of photography and drawing into each piece.  I'm looking forward to seeing more from this talented artist, and I'm saving my pennies until I can afford one of these awesome pieces of my own.


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