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And, Now For Something Completely Different

I sometimes worry that everything I write is wrought with emotion and intense and overall pretty bleak but, shit yo, isn't that just the way of the world. Bad things happen and, because I have a soul, I feel compelled to use my *tiny* soapbox to draw attention to those bad things in an attempt to maybe contribute to stopping future bad things from happening.

But, you know what? Today, I want to just post about my super lovely day. I woke up, had coffee while sitting in my beautiful new living room, reading in the sunshine. I walked to school, enjoying the beautiful, spring-like day for my favourite class and learned a little bit more about the genius of my favourite author. After class, Rebekah and I had a long Skype date with our darling friends in Edinburgh -- banter and hilarity ensued. Then we went out for groceries, came home and made some curry, ate the curry washed down with our favourite brew and talked about music and how glad we are to have each other. And now, we're cuddled up in our pajamas, watching our favourite not-guilty pleasure but not-quite-willing-to-name television show on the computer.

Tomorrow, we will worry about Bev Oda and the CRTC and the Toronto Police and the cluster-fuck American congress dropping funding for Planned Parenthood and the brother Ford and rape-apology and Dan Savage's fat-phobia and brutal attacks on Bahrain protesters and the almost 200 executions that have happened in Iran over the past three months and all the other completely fucked up shit that's making the news and all the completely fucked up shit that isn't making the news. But, right now we are so warm and cozy and our bellies are full and we can call our day-bed, Day-Bed in a sing-songy voice like the Day-Man song from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and we are happy.



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